
Showing posts with the label MOTIVATION

The Magic of positive thinking

The power of  positive thinking  is so effective, that if you keep positive thinking even in the worst of times, then your problems will end. Magic of positive thinking Sometimes life strikes you the opposite, compromising with such a storm that we breathe out. Just like a loved one walks away from you, you have to lose your job, someone grieves you a lot and that event which you never even hope happens. When this world starts breaking up around us, what should we do when we cannot find a solution to any problem? The time when things are happening against you, then this is the right time to practice caution and empathy. And it’s time to act wisely. Here is the example of two fish in the same glass, the two fish in the glass are the same for both of them, but one of them will die and one will be saved… and this is what is working wisely with positive thinking. That’s a slight difference. is one of those people who are positive and who are sensible with Skratmta J. them …...

Sneaky Stones Moral Story

  Sneaky Stones Moral Story Sneaky Stones Moral Story A long time ago, a craftsman went to find a stone in the forest to make an idol. He found a very good stone there. He was very happy to see that and said that it is very right to make the idol. When he was coming, he found another stone. He also took that stone with him. On his way home, he picked up the stone and started working on it with his tools. When the tools were hit on the stone, the stone started saying, "Leave me, it is hurting me a lot." If you hurt me, I will fall apart. You make an idol on some other stone. The craftsman was pity on hearing the stone. He left the stone and started making the idol with another stone. That stone did not say anything. In some time the craftsman made a very good idol of that stone. The people of the village came to collect the idol after it was built. They thought that we would need another stone to break the coconut. He also to...

The Trap of Greed Moral Story

  The Trap of Greed Moral Story A rich man used to work day and night in his business. He did not get the leisure to talk to his women and children. There used to be a laborer in the neighborhood who used to earn one rupee daily and used to play peacefully with him. In the night, he and his children and children used to laugh very affectionately. Seth's woman was very sad to see that this laborer is better than us, who spends her household life with pleasure. He told his great sorrow one day to Seth ji that what is the benefit of so much wealth in which all the joys of life can be lost. Seth ji said if you say it is fine, but the trap of greed is such that the person who gets stuck in it, is always woeful of money day and night. This trap of greed, which once fell on his neck, he can hardly get out. If this laborer also falls for money, then his life too will become dull like mine. Sethani said - It should be tested. Seth said, well - he tied ninety-n...

72 Year Old Young Man Inspiring Story

  72 Year Old Young Man Inspiring Story This  Old Man Inspiring Story  of passion, passion and courage is a true story. That it will show a new way that will make you think, if your youth was wandering in the wilderness of despair, it will (willpower is a true story). We have a traditional game of Holi, all the youth of the village gather at night in the village square and there is competition for the injury of coconut Fruit on the ground. Everyone tries their courage and everyone is competing to prove to be the best, some youth says that I will burst into 20 injuries and some say that 10 or 5, but these are the youngest people with great courage and courage. And is The thing that I am talking about in front of you is chhagan chacha, who was about 70 years old; he had a thin slim body half his luck. Visually impaired that night, I was passing through the chowk when some youngsters were playing this game of Shree fruit, a boy saw chhagan chacha pa...

Let's, celebrate Diwali with heart, Diwali of happiness:

  Let's, celebrate Diwali with heart, Diwali of happiness: It was 7:30 in the evening while returning home from office, many questions were echoing in my mind. Today something happened that made me think, during lunch break I used to walk in the nearby market, here, Diwali purchases were in full swing, crackers, sweets, clothes, variety of lights , It seemed the whole world was getting ready to bathe in the light and celebrate. At that time, I also saw some faces where something like a dullness appeared if the occasion was of celebration, then why? Is everyone really happy or do I feel the same? If something is wrong, something is happening somewhere that is not noticed or deliberately ignored. what is this? Looking at it carefully, why do I feel that behind those glowing faces there is a blankness, a smile, there is a feeling of unease inside. Hey what? Why is it dark inside despite all four lights? There is a lot of complication, importance, pre...

Power of Positive Thinking

  Power of Positive Thinking  (A story of Disable king  and a great painter) Positive Thinking: Once upon a time there was a king in a kingdom who had only one leg and one eye. All the people in that kingdom were happy because the king was very intelligent and majestic. Once the king thought why a picture of him should be made. What was it then, painters were called from abroad and foreign painters came to the court of the king. King urged the folded hands of all of them that she had a very beautiful picture make that will put the royal palace. All the painters started thinking that the king is already disabled, then how can his picture be made very beautiful, it is not possible and if the picture does not become beautiful then the king will get angry and punish. Thinking the same, all the painters refused to make a picture of the king. Then a painter raised his hand from behind and said that I will make a very beautiful picture of...

Whatever happens is for good(A story of great king and his minister)

  Whatever happens is for good (A story of great king and his minister) All is Well Motivational Story: A king went out on a hunt in the forest with his minister. During the journey to the forest, the king's finger was cut and blood started flowing. Seeing this, the minister said to the king - "Don't worry, Great king! God does what is good (All is well). " The king was distraught with anguish, so hearing the minister's statement sparked anger. In anger, the king ordered the minister to give pulses to his imprisonment. Obeying the king's order, his soldiers immediately caught the minister and put him in jail. On this side, the king started his travels; some were far away that a group of cannibals caught them. Preparations were made to sacrifice them. Just then, the priest of the cannibals seeing his severed finger said - "Hey! Its part is broken; its sacrifice cannot be accepted. " The king was released. When he got his life, t...

How to Overcome Failure and succeed

  How to Overcome Failure and succeed If you have recently faced  failure , then we can understand what your mental state will be. Your head will be spinning and your thoughts will be very negative, many thousands of questions are arising in your mind as to why this happened to me? Why does this happen to me every time? My luck is bad; thousands of questions like this and far and wide must be visible. But for now, leave all worries and read this article wholeheartedly, because in this article, we are sharing very important things that make your Failure headache disappear, and new passion, enthusiasm and inspiration for success Will fill in. Let's start with 5 such things which have to be used like medicine to cure the disease named Failure. 1 - Take Rest Like we said above that if you have recently faced failure then your system will be running very fast and you will be under a lot of stress. But if you want a solution, then you have to come out of...