Calculator Information :what is calculator?types of calculator.....
Calculator Information: What is calculator?types of calculator..... The calculator has become an important part of all of our lives today. The calculator has made our calculation process extremely easy. The calculator has made calculations extremely easy. With the calculator, not only students today solve big numerical easily, but also shopkeepers and domestic women can easily calculate and calculate the transactions related to it. Considering the usefulness of calculator, nowadays it is also available in smart phones and computers.And new addition in a smart waths too. Where earlier it used to take a lot of time to do big calculations and adding and subtracting numbers was difficult. Now, with the help of a calculator, it is done in a pinch, but do you know how this calculating machine i.e. the calculator started and who invented it? What is a calculator? The calculator is a small-sized portable electronic device used for adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividi...