Motivational biography of swami Vivekananda:

Motivational biography of swami Vivekananda: " THE ONLY WAY TO KNOW THE LIMITS OF THE POSSIBLE IS TO TRANSCEND THE IMPOSSIBLE." Such thinking personalities were Swami Vivekananda - Swami Vivekananda. Those who learned all human life through their creations on the basis of spiritual, religious knowledge, were always great men who believed in karma. Swami Vivekananda - Swami Vivekananda believed that one should keep trying to achieve his goal till the goal is achieved. The ideas of the great genius Swami Vivekananda were very influential, which if one applies in their life, then success is definitely achieved - not only this, Vivekananda inspired people with his spiritual ideas, one of which is this idea. Is as follows - 'WAKE UP, AND DO NOT STOP UNTIL THE GOAL IS ACHIEVED'. Swami Vivekananda has not only inspired people with his spiritual thoughts and philosophy but has made India proud in the whole world. Full Name Narendranath Vishw...