Motivational biography of swami Vivekananda:


Motivational biography of swami Vivekananda:


Such thinking personalities were Swami Vivekananda - Swami Vivekananda. Those who learned all human life through their creations on the basis of spiritual, religious knowledge, were always great men who believed in karma. Swami Vivekananda - Swami Vivekananda believed that one should keep trying to achieve his goal till the goal is achieved.

The ideas of the great genius Swami Vivekananda were very influential, which if one applies in their life, then success is definitely achieved - not only this, Vivekananda inspired people with his spiritual ideas, one of which is this idea. Is as follows -


Swami Vivekananda has not only inspired people with his spiritual thoughts and philosophy but has made India proud in the whole world.

Full Name

Narendranath Vishwanath Dutt


12 January 1863

birth place 

Calcutta (Pt. Bengal)


Vishwanath Dutt


Bhuvaneshwari Devi

Household Name

Narendra and naren

Name after becoming monastic

Swami Vivekananda 



Guru's name

Ramakrishna Paramahamsa


B. B. in 1884 a. test pass


Did not marry

founded by

Ramakrishna Math, Ramakrishna Mission


Modern Vedanta, Raja Yoga

Incidental work 

Lectures given by Raj Yoga, Karma Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, My Guru, Almora to Colombo

Other important work

Establishment of Vedanta City in New York, Peace Ashram in California and "Adhait Ashram" near Almora in India.


"Get up, wake up and don't stop until the goal is achieved"

Date of death

 4 July 1902

Place of death

Belur, West Bengal, India



Swami Vivekananda was a great man whose high views, spiritual knowledge, cultural experience influenced everyone. Who left a unique impression on everyone. The life of Swami Vivekananda fills new energy in everyone's life and gives inspiration to move forward. Swami Vivekananda was a genius who had full knowledge of the Vedas. Vivekananda was a man of visionary thinking who not only worked for the development of India but also taught people the art of living.

Swami Vivekananda was his main role in promoting Hinduism in India and his main support in making India colonial.

Swami Vivekananda was a kind-hearted person who not only looked at humans but also animals and animals with this feeling. He always taught brotherhood, love, and he believed that life can be cut easily by love, brotherhood and harmony and every struggle of life can be dealt with easily. He was a man of self-respect and believed that -


swami Vivekananda priceless ideas made him a great man, his spiritual knowledge, religion, energy, society, culture, patriotism, philanthropy, virtue, self-respect were very strong, while such an example is rarely seen as a person rich with such qualities. To be born in the land of India is to make India holy and proud.

swami Vivekananda founded the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission, which is still running successfully in India. He is primarily known for starting his speech with "my American brothers and sisters". In the Chicago World Religion Conference, he said that while identifying Hinduism.

Biography of Swami Vivekananda


The great swami Vivekananda was born on 12 January 1863. A man of remarkable talent was born in Kolkata and consecrated his birthplace there. His real name was Narendranath Dutta, but in childhood he was fondly called as Narendra.

His father Mr. vishwanath dutt was a famous lawyer of calcutta High Court. His father believed in Western civilization. He also wanted to teach English to his son Narendra and run on the pattern of Western civilization.

Vivekananda mother's name was Bhuvaneshwari Devi, who was a woman of religious views; she was also a very talented woman who had a great knowledge in religious texts like Ramayana and Mahabharata. Along with this, she was a talented and intelligent woman who also had a very good understanding of the English language.

At the same time, his mother's Canopy had such a profound effect on Swami Vivekananda, he used to get engrossed in meditation at home as well as he got education from his mother also. With this, Swami Vivekananda was deeply influenced by the qualities of his parents and he was inspired to move forward from his home in his life.

Owing to the good values ​​and upbringing of Swami Vivekananda mother and father, Swamiji's life got a good shape and a high quality of thinking.

It is said that Narendra Nath was a man of naughty and very sharp intellect since childhood, he was so brilliant of his talent that once he passed in front of his eyes, he would never forget and again he never got that thing again. Did not even need to read from.

His mother always used to say, "I prayed to Shiva for a son, and he gave me a devil".

He was interested in the field of spirituality since young days, he always meditated in front of pictures of God like Shiva, Rama and Sita. The talk of saints and ascetics always inspired him.

At the same time, this Narendra Nath became the carrier of meditation, spirituality, nationalism, Hinduism, and culture all over the world and became famous by the name of Swami Vivekananda.

Swami Vivekananda Education - Swami Vivekananda

·         When Narendra Nath was admitted in 1871 to the Metropolitan Institute of Ishwar chand vidya sagar.

·         In 1877, when boy Narendra was in the third grade, when his studies were interrupted, in fact his family had to go to Raipur suddenly for some reason.

·         In 1879, after his family returned to Calcutta, he became the first student to take the first division in the entrance examination of the Presidency College.

·         He was a keen reader of various subjects like philosophy, religion, history, social sciences, art and literature. He also had a lot of interest in Hindu scriptures like Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad gita , Ramayana, Mahabharata and Purana. Narendra was proficient in Indian traditional music, and was always a participant in physical yoga, sports and all activities.

·         In 1881, he passed the fine arts examination, while in 1884 he completed his graduation in arts.

·         After this, he passed his BA examination in 1884 with good qualifications and then he also studied law.

·         The time of 1884 which was very sad for Swami vivekananda  as he lost his father at this time. After the death of his father, he was entrusted with the responsibility of his nine siblings but he did not panic and always remained steadfast in his determination.

·         In 1889, Narendra's family returned to Kolkata. Since childhood, Vivekananda was very intelligent, due to which he got admission in school once again. Due to visionary understanding and stunning, he completed the 3-year course in one year.

·         Swami vivekananda  had a great interest in subjects like philosophy, religion, history and social science. They read with great enthusiasm the Vedas Upanishads, Ramayana, Gita and Hindu scriptures, which is why they were full of texts and scriptures.

·         Narendra also practiced the works of David Hume, Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, Baruch Spinoza, Georg WF Hegel, Arthur Schopenhauer, Auguste Comte, John Stuart Mill and Charles Darwin.

·         Swami Vivekananda not only topped the studies, besides, he also took part in physical exercise and sports.

·         Swami Vivekananda had studied European history at the General Assembly Institution.

·         Swami Vivekananda also had a good understanding of Bengali language. He translated Spencer's book Education into Bengali. Let me tell you that he was very much influenced by Herbert Spencer's book. While he was practicing Western Philosophers, he also read Sanskrit texts and Bengali literature.

·         Swami vivekananda had talent for his childhood. He has received praise from his gurus since childhood; hence he is also called Shrutidhar.


In his student life, boy Narendra was deeply influenced by the ideas of John Stuart, Herbert Spencer and Hume, he studied his ideas deeply and through his ideas, new ideas flowed into people. During this time, Vivekananda ji got inclined towards Brahmo Samaj, out of curiosity to know the truth, he also came in contact with Maharishi Devendra Nath Thakur, the leader of Brahmo Samaj.

Swami Vivekananda guru:

Swami Vivekananda was of a curious tendency from childhood that is why he once asked Maharishi Devendra Nath that 'Have you seen God?' Maharishi was surprised by this question of Narendra and in order to calm this curiosity he advised Vivekananda ji to go to Ramakrishna Paramahamsa after which he accepted his own Guru and proceeded on his own path.

Once Swami Vivekananda foreign friend urged him to meet his Guru Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and said that he wants to meet the great person who created a great personality like you. When Swami Vivekananda introduced that friend to his Guru, he was surprised to see the dress of the friend, Swami Ramakrishna Paramahamsa and said - "How can this person be your Guru, he does not even have a way to dress." So Swami Vivekananda said very politely - "Friend does the creation of character in your country as a tailor, but in our country, the creation of character is ethics."

In his youth he had to go through a deep duality due to the indisputable materialism of Western philosophers and the strong Indian belief in the existence of God. Jewelers like Paramahamsa ji tested the gem. The touch of that divine greatness changed Narendra. At the same time, he met his guru Ramakrishna, who first convinced him that God really is and that man can find God. Ramakrishna guided Narendra in attaining the highest realization of God in the form of omnipresence, and taught him that service should never be a charity, but a conscious worship of God rooted in all humanity.

This sermon became the major philosophy of Vivekananda life. It is said that due to that power-force, Narendra remained manic for a few days. He was surrendered by the Guru. At the age of twenty five, Narendra Dutt wore Kashyavastra. Inspired by his mentor, Narendranath took initiation to spend his life as a monk and became known as Swami Vivekananda. The light of life had to be presented to the wandering beings in the darkness of the world. Swami Vivekananda traveled all over India on foot.

Establishment of Ramakrishna Math:

After this Ramakrishna Paramahamsa died after which Narendra established the Ramakrishna Sangha in Varahanagar. However, it was later renamed Ramakrishna Math.

After the establishment of Ramakrishna Math, Narendra Nath took a vow of celibacy and renunciation and he became Swami Vivekananda from Narendra.

Swami Vivekananda India tour:

Let us tell you that at the age of 25, Swami Vivekananda wore ocher robes and after that he left for the whole of India on foot. During his walk, he reached many places including Ayodhya, Varanasi, Agra, Vrindavan, and Alwar.

During this journey he also stayed in the palace of the kings and in the hut of poor people. During the walk, he got information about different areas and their people. During this time, he also came to know about the maladies like caste discrimination which he also tried to eradicate.

On 23 December 1892, Vivekananda reached kanyakumari where he remained in a grave Samadhi for 3 days. Returning from here he met his Guru Brother Swami Brahmanand Swami Turyanand in Abu Road, Rajasthan.

In which he expressed his anguish during his visit to India and said that he has to know the poverty and suffering of the people in this journey and he is very sad to see all this. After this, he decided to go to America for liberation from all this.

After Vivekananda visit to America, he made a big change in the world towards India.


In 1893 Vivekananda arrived in Chicago where he attended the World Religion Conference. During this time, many religious leaders kept their book at one place, while Shrimad Bhagvad Gita was kept to describe the religion of India, which was mocked but when the speech was started in Vivekananda with his spirituality and knowledge, then the auditorium applause Resounded with thunder.

While swami Vivekananda had knowledge of Vedic philosophy in his speech, there was also a message of living peace in the world, in his speech Swami ji attacked radicalism and communalism.

He created a new image of India during this time and with this he became popular.

Spiritual works of Swami Vivekananda:

After the end of the Parliament of Religion, Swami Vivekananda continued to propagate the teachings of Vedanta in America for the next 3 years. The US press named Swami Vivekananda as "Cyclonic Monik from India".

After this, he gave lectures in Chicago, New York, Detroit and Boston for 2 years. In 1894, he founded the Vedanta Society in New York.

Let me tell you that in 1895, his busyness had an impact on his health, after which he decided to give classes related to yoga instead of giving lectures, while sister Nivedita became his disciple, one of his main disciples.

In 1896, he met Max Muller of Oxford University, who wrote a biography of Swami ji's Guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. After this, Swami Vivekananda arrived in Sri Lanka from America on 15 January 1897, where he was very well received and at this time he had become very popular and people considered his talent iron.

After this Swami reached Rameswaram and then he went to Kolkata where a large number of people came from far and wide to hear him. Let me tell you that Swami Vivekananda always used to mention development in his speeches.

Establishment of Ramakrishna Mission:

On 1 May 1897, Swami Vivekananda returned to Kolkata and established the Ramakrishna Mission whose main objective was to step into the field of hospitals, schools, colleges and sanitation to build a new India.

The scholar of literature, philosophy and history, Swami Vivekananda had convinced all of his talent and now he became a role model for the youth.

In 1898, Swamiji founded Belur Math - Belur Math which gave a new dimension to Indian philosophy of life.

Apart from this, Swami Vivekananda also established two other monasteries.

Swami Vivekananda second foreign trip:

Swami Vivekananda left for America on 20 June 1899 on his second foreign trip. In this journey, he founded the Peace Ashram and San Francisco in California and the Vedanta Society in New York.

In July 1900, Swamiji went to Paris where he joined the 'Congress of the History Releases'. His disciples were sister Nivedita and Swami Turiyananda during this 3 months stay in Paris.

He then returned to India in the late 1900s. Even after this, his travels continued. In 1901, he made a pilgrimage to bodh Gaya and Varanasi. During this time, his health was continuously deteriorating. He was besieged by diseases such as asthma and diabetes.. He was besieged by diseases such as asthma and diabetes. 


Vivekananda Ojasvi and pithy lectures have gained worldwide fame. On the last day of life, he explained Shukla Yajurveda and said- "Need another Vivekananda, to understand what this Vivekananda has done so far." According to his disciples, even on the last day of life, on July 8, 1902, he did not change his meditation routine and meditated for two to three hours in the morning and meditated on his Brahmarandhra and took Mahasamadhi. He was cremated on the pyre of Chandan on the banks of the Ganges in Belur. His Guru Ramakrishna Paramahamsa was cremated on the other side of the Ganges coast sixteen years ago. His disciples and followers built a temple there in his memory and established more than 130 centers for propagating the messages of Vivekananda and his Guru Ramakrishna all over the world. 

Secrets of Swami Vivekananda's life :


Swami Vivekananda ji believed that the spirit of philanthropy helps in the upliftment of the society and hence everyone should contribute to it. He used to say that 'the pleasure of giving is greater than the enjoyment of giving'.


Swami Vivekananda believed that whatever you do, do not do it with full devotion or not. Whatever work he himself did with full duty and used to focus his attention in the same work, perhaps this quality made him great.

Setting goals

Swami Vivekananda ji believed that to achieve success it is necessary to have a goal because only by setting a certain goal can you reach your destination.

Simple life

Swami Vivekananda believed in living a simple life. He insisted on being away from material means. He believed that materialistic thinking and pleasure make a person greedy.

Face fear boldly

Swami Vivekananda believed that instead of running away from fear, he should face it. Because if a person loses back after losing courage, then surely there is a failure, while the person who faces it firmly, is also afraid of him.

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